詳細は日本語でお問合せください! Please contact us for detail!

In addition to Grab Food Delivery, foodpanda delivery becomes also available now. Please use your favorite application!まして、店舗近くであれば、直接の配達も可能でございます。まずはお電話でお問合せくださいませ。店舗と同じ価格でご提供させて頂いております。(お電話でも日本語でご注文頂けます)
In addition to Grab delivery, we can deliver your order by ourselves if you are not far from the restaurant. Price is not different from our original menu. Please contact us anyway! Please see our contact information at the bottom of this page.
Royal Sakura What’s New!
We are awarded a Recommended badge by Restaurant Guru as the BEST RESTAURANT in Manila!!
2022 DEC 13th Full menu can be seen from here. こちらから当店のメニューがすべて御覧頂けます。
2022 May 13th We started Grab Food Delivery Service. Please enjoy our taste at your home, office and wherever you like! Please serch “Royal Sakura” in Grab food application on your phone.
2022 May 13th Grab Foodでのデリバリーを開始しました。是非お試しください! Grabアプリ内で”Royal Sakura”で検索お願いいたします。
2022 Apr 25 Lunch Set Menu are added to the menu page here. ランチセットメニューを追加いたしました。
2022 Apr 11 We will open on April 29th 11:00AM! 4月29日 11:00AMよりオープン決定!
2022 Apr 7 Latest Photo is added.
2022.Jan.4 New year message is posted. Please refer here.
2022.Jan.4 新年のご挨拶を掲載させていただきました。こちらよりご覧くださいませ。
2021.Dec.19 youtube Royal Sakura channel Updated! English Introduction video uploaded here!
2021.Dec.18 youtube Royal Sakura チャンネルを更新しました。お店紹介動画をアップしました。
Royal Sakura Introduction ご紹介
Malate is located in the center of Manila city and very famous for sight seeing place for tourist. There are many restaurants, entertainment, bar and karaoke for enjoying night life. And also in day time, we can enjoy to visit many sight seeing spots such as Manila beach, Rizal Park, etc etc, May tourists can enjoy day and night here in Malate! In the center of Malate, we will open the new Japanese “Washoku” Restaurant and that is Royal Sakura Japanese Restaurant!
At this time, restaurant was completely newly build from scratch. You will relax in very new and clean environment and enjoy our real Japanese food cooked by long experienced Japanese chef.
We have many private rooms for your privacy. Very good environment to spend your private time with your partner, friends, family, customers and colleagues!
You can see real SUSHI cooking by long experienced Japanese Chef. We are using very fresh fish imported from Japan.
Please check out our Menu from here!
Royal Sakura Location and Contact
Just 1 minit from Remedios Circle. Very convenience to the center of Malate but very quiet place.
Location: 534 Remedios St. Malate, City of Manila
Open Hours:
11:00AM~14:30PM 17:00PM~23:00PM
TEL : +63 906 552 4498 (Globe) , +63 949 439 8274 (SMART) , +63 2-8244 7950 (Land Line)
Email: info@royal-sakura-phil.com
FaceBook: @RoyalSakuraJapResto